~Alas, the Christmas mime I directed is over. Everyone did an excellent job. I got to watch it on a video tape later ,(thanks to Mr.Uveges :)) it looked like everyone just enjoyed finally performing. After weeks of practice and a few grey hairs, I am happy to say that "The Virgin's Lullaby" Mime is complete.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Well, as I sit here at the computer I am currently voiceless. Because my vocal cords aren't working because of an extreme sore throat, blogger will be my voice for today. As I sit on the couch sucking on a cough drop, I was thinking of how blessed I am. This past Saturday, we had a Christmas Party at my house and this thought was constantly on my mind. The party was with our groups of friends, which we call "FFJ" which stand for Families for Jesus. This group of people went to our old church with us way back when. We get together around once a month and have so much fun. Every Christmas part we all gather around and sing the 12 days of Christmas.I love being able to look around and watch everyone sing the day they have been assinged. By far, the cutest is little Emma Uveges and Sarah Washburne sing two turtle cute :). Also, God has so greatly blessed me with a church family, and friends. This Sunday after youth group, a bunch of us kids went to Wendy's. Although many of them couldn't tell , I had a lot of fun. I was merely exahausted after mime practice. As I sat htere watching my buds ingesting not so healthy food, I was so thankful for the way my youth group has bonded. At one time, we all were so disconnected. The unity that we have established over the past year is remarkable, and only by the grace of God. :) That's all for today's random musings of a sore throated thankful teenager. (haha...i just used an alliteration!! 3t's!)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Well, blogger and I kn=ind of got a long. You have to click on the little bars on the top of the post to see the pictures. Other than that, I AM ON CHRISTMAS BREAK!! Wow, am i ever excited that it is here. I could really use a break. I really like being able to take a deep breath and say "wow, I don't have homework!" You have no idea how exciting that is.
Okay, I'm tyring to post two picture from the net. This all depends if blogger likes me today! If it works these pictures are from BNYC this summer. The one is of me on the stage signing, and the other is some of my OBers who did a mime from one of the late night sessions. Man, did I feel the pressure when I signed on stage, fhew!
Friday, December 08, 2006
WOW! It's been a crazy week. I feel like I have barely kept my head above water. With next week being the last week before x-mas break, teachers are really cranking through lots of material. This week had been really challenging for me, I have been stuck in a happy/ frustrated mood. At times I'm really aggrevaited in school, and how hard I push myself. But, then people see me frustrated and that hurts how I am showing Christ to them. I'm really trying to keep a joyful attitude, even when I want to pull my hair out. Just when I had reached my highest level of annoyance with chemistry, I read this passage in my devotional book called: Being a girl who Leads. I reallly needed to read this , especially this week:
"You are God's Masterpeice He made you. He knows why He made you, and in what conditions you will oprate best. He knows what colors to splash at the canvas of your life.He has your best interest at heart, and He knows just where to draw the lines and boundaries for you to color in the details of your life"
Once again, God said...chill BECKY! I'm in control, I know where I'm going to take you, jsut hold my hand and walk beside me.
On a different note, MY OBERS came into town last weekend. Sarah, Amy, and I did a special music song for church. It went really well. I love those kids so much! They are such a breath of fresh air to me. One of my favorite times of the weekend was when Sarah, Amy, Laura, and I just sat in my room and talked about the summer. Good memories with my forever friends :)
"You are God's Masterpeice He made you. He knows why He made you, and in what conditions you will oprate best. He knows what colors to splash at the canvas of your life.He has your best interest at heart, and He knows just where to draw the lines and boundaries for you to color in the details of your life"
Once again, God said...chill BECKY! I'm in control, I know where I'm going to take you, jsut hold my hand and walk beside me.
On a different note, MY OBERS came into town last weekend. Sarah, Amy, and I did a special music song for church. It went really well. I love those kids so much! They are such a breath of fresh air to me. One of my favorite times of the weekend was when Sarah, Amy, Laura, and I just sat in my room and talked about the summer. Good memories with my forever friends :)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all. I know that this is pretty late, but here's what I'm thankful for in the year 2006:
1) Jesus, My Savior, and for his enduring love for us.
2) My family that puts up with me through the good and the bad
3) My church and how encrouaging they are to me
4) My youth group and all the youth staff. My youth group has grown so much under the great leadership we have, and I'm so thankful for the time my youth staff puts toward our growth.
5) All my buddies
~ Liz and Melissa : These two girls sitck with me through thick and thin.I have so many laughs with these two. We are known as the 'Three Musketeers" , everyone at school knows who we are!
~ Miss Hannah Uveges: She is pratically my sister. I can go to her for anything. I love spontaneously staying at her house, or just acting like complete goof balls together.
6) Operation Barnabas : This summer was such a learning experience for me. I learned so much of how God commands us to tell others about him. Also I made some awesome friends I will keep for a life time.
*These are just some of the many things that God has blessed me with this year. I am eternally grateful to Him*
1) Jesus, My Savior, and for his enduring love for us.
2) My family that puts up with me through the good and the bad
3) My church and how encrouaging they are to me
4) My youth group and all the youth staff. My youth group has grown so much under the great leadership we have, and I'm so thankful for the time my youth staff puts toward our growth.
5) All my buddies
~ Liz and Melissa : These two girls sitck with me through thick and thin.I have so many laughs with these two. We are known as the 'Three Musketeers" , everyone at school knows who we are!
~ Miss Hannah Uveges: She is pratically my sister. I can go to her for anything. I love spontaneously staying at her house, or just acting like complete goof balls together.
6) Operation Barnabas : This summer was such a learning experience for me. I learned so much of how God commands us to tell others about him. Also I made some awesome friends I will keep for a life time.
*These are just some of the many things that God has blessed me with this year. I am eternally grateful to Him*
Monday, November 20, 2006
Well, I am a kinestetic learning, and according to that style of studying..i am supposed to take frequent breaks. This is my break from studying for the Chemistry test that will cause my death tomorrow. All is well with me. Life recently has been very enjoyable. Last Friday, I had allot of fun at the youth group all nighter. We went to the cavs game and then bowling,and then to a place for a lot of inflatable games. The problem was that we got back at 6am and I had to work at 10. Yeah, I was utterly exhausted. On saturday night we went to the Uveges home to watch the Buckeyes win.Yes, to the Loyal Michigan fans in the Uveges family, I will say it once again that we are just the better team....just accept it. Sunday was fun too, I am in charge of a Christmas mime for youth group, and it's going to turn out really well, i hope. My favorite part of the practice was when Mike Pavalak walked in and said " I want some more lines in this thing!" Jr. High boys, gotta love em. I can't wait for this holiday season. On Dec 3rd, two girls from my OB team, Sarah and Amy are coming to sing a song while I sign for church. Allot of other OB ers are coming to excited!!! Also, I'm going to do urban ministry work on the 21rst! Well, that's all for my random musings of the day. It's back to Lewis Structures and polar covalent bonds for me. ( p.s. I'll post pictures from the all- nighter later)
Friday, November 10, 2006

So, this entry is going to be titled: becky's thoughts from the week. Bear with me, for this is going to be the most random entry ever! Well, this week has been a little light on the school work load, so I hav had some time to just catch my breath and think abuot things.
Thought #1 I was thinking about college a lot this week, and I am getting really really excited. I can't wait to go and serve Chirst in awesome ways. Also, I am really exctied becasue I found out that I have an Urban ministry opportunity coming up! I get to help pass out treasure boxes to all the smiling faces at an elementary school in Cleveland. I can't wait!
Thought #2 I have been blessed with so many firends who just lift me up and encourage me all the time. I couldn't ask for better people in my life. This week especially, I was reminded of how much friends mean to me. Also, this week I have been missing my faraway friends. One of my friends Kailyn (in photo above) lives in Michigan, and I don't get to see her much. So, I basically miss her lots right now.
Thought #3 I am so glad God gave me the opportunity to go on OB. I shall say it again, I made some amazing friends, and learned so MUCH about evangelism. I miss those people after seeing them all...... (sarah,pics will be up soon!)
Thought #4 Okay,this one isn't very deep, but o well. I love pictures! For the past week I have been trying to surround myslef with pictures of my family and friends. I love walking into my room after a long day and see there smiling faces. SO, for your enjoyment....i've put up a couple of pictures that make me smile!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Amazing, Wonderful , Refreshing, Encouraging, these are just a few words to describe my weekend. It was so jam packed with fun and excitement that I have to break it down into each day for you.
- drove up to Grace College with my friend Laura, great car conversations, and we never got lost once!!!
- registered and then went on a hunt to find all my OBers. I was walking around looking for them when I turned to the corner and found about 15 of them. Leading the pack that nearly toppled me over with hugs was one of my best friends Valerie.Valerie was originally not going to be able to come, but she surprised me and made it!
-went to my leader Courtney's house and looked at pictures and talked till 12:30. some other things that happened at courtney's house include a huge rubberband war with chris, amy, josh, and bj
-called it a night with my room mates, Sarah and Brit
- helped CE national with a cleanup of the grounds around the training center
- went on a Wal- Mart run for some random stuff, boy did that bring back memories of the summer
- went to Grace's homecoming basketball game, they totally dominated
- played the sickest game of ultimate frisbee I have ever played in my life (basically it was a game between the guys on each team)
- the girls went to courtney's house and hung out
-went to Laura Mc Nulty's house where we watched HighSchool Musical and shared stoired from the summer
- at around midnight, Sarah, Brit, and I went around a walk of Winona Lake. It was so cute,and I had so much fun with my girlies!
- sang our OB songs for Winona Lake GBC
- had sad goodbyes with all
*So basically the end of the weekend was bittersweet. I had to realize that this might be the last time I see some of these kids. That was really hard to accept. But, I can say that the time I was with them were some of the greatest moments of my life*
- drove up to Grace College with my friend Laura, great car conversations, and we never got lost once!!!
- registered and then went on a hunt to find all my OBers. I was walking around looking for them when I turned to the corner and found about 15 of them. Leading the pack that nearly toppled me over with hugs was one of my best friends Valerie.Valerie was originally not going to be able to come, but she surprised me and made it!
-went to my leader Courtney's house and looked at pictures and talked till 12:30. some other things that happened at courtney's house include a huge rubberband war with chris, amy, josh, and bj
-called it a night with my room mates, Sarah and Brit
- helped CE national with a cleanup of the grounds around the training center
- went on a Wal- Mart run for some random stuff, boy did that bring back memories of the summer
- went to Grace's homecoming basketball game, they totally dominated
- played the sickest game of ultimate frisbee I have ever played in my life (basically it was a game between the guys on each team)
- the girls went to courtney's house and hung out
-went to Laura Mc Nulty's house where we watched HighSchool Musical and shared stoired from the summer
- at around midnight, Sarah, Brit, and I went around a walk of Winona Lake. It was so cute,and I had so much fun with my girlies!
- sang our OB songs for Winona Lake GBC
- had sad goodbyes with all
*So basically the end of the weekend was bittersweet. I had to realize that this might be the last time I see some of these kids. That was really hard to accept. But, I can say that the time I was with them were some of the greatest moments of my life*
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday afternoons are great, pretty much wonderful. So, far this weekend has been pretty good. I worked yesterday and then went to see "One Night with the King" , the movie about Esther, with Hannah. It was a great movie, it stuck to the story and was beautifully shot. Hannah got to sleep over and we stayed up late solving all the problems of the world. Church was really good this morning. Worhsip was great, and the sermon was really challening. I was really able to apply the message to my life. The speaker challenged us to look out for the poor and needy, especially the inner cities. And, if you know anything about my future goals for life, (wanting to work in urban areas) it fit perfectly with what I have been praying about lately. I felt God pushing me once again to follow his call and serve him in the inner cities. ALSO, I talked to Sarabeth, Hannah, and Julie after service, and they are such a good example to me and I love them lots:) The day was really great until I had to sit and read 4 chapters of the Scarlet Letter today. I am lost in the language already. I am going to have a giant bonfire at the end of this book (can you guess what the kindling will be???)
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