Friday, December 08, 2006

WOW! It's been a crazy week. I feel like I have barely kept my head above water. With next week being the last week before x-mas break, teachers are really cranking through lots of material. This week had been really challenging for me, I have been stuck in a happy/ frustrated mood. At times I'm really aggrevaited in school, and how hard I push myself. But, then people see me frustrated and that hurts how I am showing Christ to them. I'm really trying to keep a joyful attitude, even when I want to pull my hair out. Just when I had reached my highest level of annoyance with chemistry, I read this passage in my devotional book called: Being a girl who Leads. I reallly needed to read this , especially this week:
"You are God's Masterpeice He made you. He knows why He made you, and in what conditions you will oprate best. He knows what colors to splash at the canvas of your life.He has your best interest at heart, and He knows just where to draw the lines and boundaries for you to color in the details of your life"
Once again, God said...chill BECKY! I'm in control, I know where I'm going to take you, jsut hold my hand and walk beside me.
On a different note, MY OBERS came into town last weekend. Sarah, Amy, and I did a special music song for church. It went really well. I love those kids so much! They are such a breath of fresh air to me. One of my favorite times of the weekend was when Sarah, Amy, Laura, and I just sat in my room and talked about the summer. Good memories with my forever friends :)


PB & J said...

Becky, just a note of encouragement. I was talking to my mom, and she said she was talking to Mrs. Ricker on the phone. Well, my mom started talking about me, which led to talking about you because I tend to talk to my mom about the people I care about, and my mom was telling her about what a great girl you are, etc. etc., and Mrs. Ricker said: "I still have the crosstitch Christmas gift she gave me in 1999 hanging on the wall." So, I thought you should know, that gift meant a lot to her because it was from you, and even though she has moved to NC she still kept your gift and hangs it up every year at Christmas!:) Doesn't that make you want to smile?! Well, try to relax this weekend, OK? Love ya.

Anonymous said...

beck- thanks for the post, it was an encouragement to me, everyone gets caught up in stress, but we are a constant picture of Christ to others, and He is in control. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

This is a lesson that God teaches us time after time. We run around, spinning our wheels, and He does keep saying, "chill. . .rest. . .slow down. . . enjoy this moment." I'm guilty of this ALL THE TIME, and every time I place whatever it is in His hands, I am trying to take it back from Him not ten minutes later! As Hannah said, thanks for the reminder.