So, this entry is going to be titled: becky's thoughts from the week. Bear with me, for this is going to be the most random entry ever! Well, this week has been a little light on the school work load, so I hav had some time to just catch my breath and think abuot things.
Thought #1 I was thinking about college a lot this week, and I am getting really really excited. I can't wait to go and serve Chirst in awesome ways. Also, I am really exctied becasue I found out that I have an Urban ministry opportunity coming up! I get to help pass out treasure boxes to all the smiling faces at an elementary school in Cleveland. I can't wait!
Thought #2 I have been blessed with so many firends who just lift me up and encourage me all the time. I couldn't ask for better people in my life. This week especially, I was reminded of how much friends mean to me. Also, this week I have been missing my faraway friends. One of my friends Kailyn (in photo above) lives in Michigan, and I don't get to see her much. So, I basically miss her lots right now.
Thought #3 I am so glad God gave me the opportunity to go on OB. I shall say it again, I made some amazing friends, and learned so MUCH about evangelism. I miss those people after seeing them all...... (sarah,pics will be up soon!)
Thought #4 Okay,this one isn't very deep, but o well. I love pictures! For the past week I have been trying to surround myslef with pictures of my family and friends. I love walking into my room after a long day and see there smiling faces. SO, for your enjoyment....i've put up a couple of pictures that make me smile!
beck- so glad you have a blog, I love seeing what's going on with everyone :)
very nice bridal pics, yes it's sb's turn soon.
sounds like you had an awesome weekend with OB, and I just want to say I am so proud of you and how you're letting God lead your life. It's crazy how I've known you since you were "little" and to watch you grow up. See you Sunday.
hey i posted my website wrong, re-click on my name this time :)
:) i love your pictures. and i'm comin to visit that bridal shop sometime, dear! you are amazing.
YAY becky!!!!!!!!!! Your thoughts make me happy. I will visit Moody with you whenever you want! I have a swim meet or a debate tournament evey weekend until spring so it's not like there's a conflict-free weekend, so don't worry about working around my schedule...i'll just skip - oh darn..hahha. happy thanksgiving!
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