Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all. I know that this is pretty late, but here's what I'm thankful for in the year 2006:
1) Jesus, My Savior, and for his enduring love for us.
2) My family that puts up with me through the good and the bad
3) My church and how encrouaging they are to me
4) My youth group and all the youth staff. My youth group has grown so much under the great leadership we have, and I'm so thankful for the time my youth staff puts toward our growth.
5) All my buddies
~ Liz and Melissa : These two girls sitck with me through thick and thin.I have so many laughs with these two. We are known as the 'Three Musketeers" , everyone at school knows who we are!
~ Miss Hannah Uveges: She is pratically my sister. I can go to her for anything. I love spontaneously staying at her house, or just acting like complete goof balls together.
6) Operation Barnabas : This summer was such a learning experience for me. I learned so much of how God commands us to tell others about him. Also I made some awesome friends I will keep for a life time.
*These are just some of the many things that God has blessed me with this year. I am eternally grateful to Him*

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