We love Calvin!
Bored on a friday night!
The ever classic cardboard canoe race!
Joy and I with our suitemate Katie
Monk Mondays with Lynn!
My first Calvin vs. Hope game didn't end well for us...but GO KNIGHTS!
Panera for Joy's B-day!
Hello All! So, just wanted to give everyone an update of my life here at Calvin! I am beginning to feel much more comfortable here. God is giving me a real peace about everything. Now, that doesn't mean that I have lost all feelings of homesickness. However, I really am beginning to develop a sense of community and trust with the girls on my floor, kids in my classes and my terrific intramural soccer team. So here are some highlights from this week:
~ Monk Mondays: On Monday nights at 10 my floor watches an episode of Monk while curled up in blankets with hot coco. I look forward to it every week
~ Dorm Worship: Every Wednesday at 10 we have about a half hours of worship with my entire dorm. This week we sang otuside, as did many of the other dorms. I fell asleep to the sounds of kids lifting their voices to the Savior...awesome I know
~My communications in the classroom class: We are practicing the art of reading stories! I know that sounds silly, but we are looking at all the aspects of reading to a classroom. I am learning a lot while having fun!
~ Floor Date: My floor went on a date with another floor for homemade ice cream...need I say more?
~ Church this morning: I went to an awesome church this morning! After a kind of weak service last week, I was hoping that this church would be drastically different...and it was! This church is located in an urban area, had solid preaching, and lots of opportunites for ministry...yay!
~Movie with Aunt Karen: My Aunt Karen and I went to a movie on Friday night called Brideshead revisted....it was a deep thinker movie. Very artsy and cute.I love being able to have someone like a mom so close by!