Well, all of you that read my blog...namely my mom, mimi and church friends, may have been wondering what I have been up to lately. I have been sooooo busy. This business is a good thing because the days are winding down till thanksgiving. I love it here, it is realy challenging and fun, but I am ready to see my house, see my roads, see my church and just be HOME. Home has never felt so special or precious to me. Anyways, I feel that I have been working so hard on school as of late. The past week I had a ten page paper due, a presentation to give and two tests. It was quite a test of diligence and joy. However, I made it through!
God has been teaching me something so important lately : LETTING GO. He has shown me this principle by living in a community and in my history class. Living in a floor with lots of girls, it is really easy for hormones to fly rampant. With in the joys, fears and sadness God has been showing me that I need to put my own raging emotions behind me and be there for my floor. By letting go of my desire to be in bed by 11:30 each night, keeping my door open for people to come in and talk and just being more self-less, God has taught me how to live better in a community. Also, he showed me that I need to give my fears of the future to Him. My history class is proving to be quite the challenge. I am having a hard time figuring out what pleases this professor. Due to the B's I have been recieving, I have frequently been in panic mode coming back from that class. My brain races through thoughts like : " Great, now I am going to lose my scholarship" "Since I won't be able to afford Calvin anymore, where else am I supposed to go?" The Lord has repressed these thoughts, calmly showing me that He is in control of my past, present and future....I just need to give Him my best.
Posted above are some picture of Calvin in the fall, our floor retreat at Aunt Karens and a trip to Steak and Shake! ( oh and some other silly random ones!)