Lenae face painting at the IOG service day. The youth group girls headed to Village Grace Mission Center today to help host a carnival. We got to face paint, serve food, play with chalk and bubbles, and just pour on God's love to the kids. So fun!
A cutie at the carnival
Some girls I got to know at the carnival...beautiful princesses of the King!
me and melissa after our goodbye breakfast with her me and Liz
me and hannah
Me and Emma at me and Hannah's going away party...we love oranges!
Here are some pictures of life as of late. I feel mighty proud of myself that I have been able to update more often. I am realy going to try and stick with it...honest! Like I said in the previous post, this has been a rough weekend because my friends are leaving. It is a mixed emotion and God is teaching me some things through it. I can't exactly explain the lessons I am learning, but I hope to at some point.
One thing I have really enjoyed lately is all the family time I am getting in. Before I go to school I am trying to do a "last harrah" thing with each member of my family. I had a great time shopping with my mom and going to dinner last week. I do want to brag..I found my Old Navy winter coat at Plato's Closet for $18. Yes, please be jealous. I also got Starbucks and walked Medina square with Grace..which turned out to be more of an adeventure than we had bargained for. Well, my cell phone decided to be fisty with me becuase it would ring, I would go to answer it and the person on the other line wasn't there. I couldn't make any calls and my mom was calling me like crazy trying to make sure we weren't dead in a ditch somewhere. After I finally found a pay phone I reassured my mom we were in one piece to which she said she was one step away from calling 911.......never a dull moment in the Marras family. This week is the Dad and Joe "last harrahs". I am taking Joe to take his drivers temp test! ah!! and for coffee. My dad, well...we are still trying to figure out something special to do. The Columbus Crew aren't in town and we are still deliberating on something special. Any suggestions?
T-Minus 2 weeks 1 day till Calvin!
1 comment:
God bless you as you head off to college. As a college student myself, and a passionate Christian young woman, I encourage you stand strong for Jesus and be a light in a culture that has no respect for Jesus, morals, standards, or being a Biblical woman.
My biggest piece of advice would be to stay accountable with another mature Christian--whether it's a parent, a pastor or a someone else that you look up to. Let them know (constantly) the good, the bad and the ugly about what's happening. It'll help keep you safe spiritually....
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