Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hello one and all! It's amazing that Christmas is on;y five days away! These are my favorite things to do at Christmas time:
1. Celebrate the birth of the coming Savior with my church congregation
2. The singing of O Holy Night. This song is by far my favorite Christmas song ever! The words are so true,and shed light on the really meaning of Christmas! Such as the chorus : FALL ON YOUR KNEES! OH HEAR THE ANGEL VOICES! The truths presented in this Holiday tune make me smile from ear to ear. My joy was complete when last night I got to hear a 200 person choir sing those blessed words!
3. Making Christmas cookies with my mom. This year, my mom and I popped in Beauty and the Beast (my absolute favorite Disney movie) and sang very loud and out of tune versions to "Bonjour" and "
4. Shopping wtih friends. Amidst the chaos that this season brings, my friends and I seem to keep fairly level headed. So, shopping with them is fun and care free. As we watch kids frantically crawl onto Santa's lap, and shoppers hustling about, we can be tankful for the peace the Savior provides.
5. Studying the life of Mary: This season God has really revealed some important truths to me about the virgin Mary. In Luke 2 of the Message Mary says " I am dancing the song of my Savior God" It's amazing to me that during a time when people were pointing their fingers, speaking behind her back, and calling her names, that she was "dancing with joy". Wow! SHe was willing to be used as a vessel for Christ, and because of that God gave her favor. SHe was just an ordinary girl who was chosen to do big things for God. She ran with the call, and made a bold statement for Christ. What an example she is to you and me!
Well, my list could go on forever and ever..but I must end for now. I pray that your Holidays are filled with the joy and peace that only the Savior can bring!

1 comment:

Shari said...

We (my daughter and I) read about you today in the latest Brio. It sounds like you are living your life for Jesus and that is a great example to other girls, especially younger teens like my daughter. We look forward to reading your monthly columns.