Yes,it has been forever since I have updatd. I feel terrible,I wish I had time on my hands to write something everyday!Well, this is what I have been up to:
* God is really teaching me how to find joy and an opportunity in the mundane. This is the time of year that I kind of feel stuck in the Janurary doldrums. It's nasty outside,and all I want to do is have sunshine and run through a sprinkler. Also, senioritis is kicking in ....I'm really trying to hold it back. However, now that I have been accepted to Calvin with a scholarship, it's hard to find motivation. Also, it doesn't help that my teachers are beginning to care less and less. However, the Lord has been knocking on my heart. He's been saying: "Beck, you aren't alone in this dry time of life, in fact there are others around you feeling the same blah. And the great thing is ......you have ME! The living water to refresh you! Sink into my word and refresh others!" Okay God, got the clue! However, the delivery isn't as easy as it sounds. Please pray for me as I seek to encourage others and point them to the living water,
* On January 19th, IOG (sr. and jr. high girls Bible study) put a princess party on for the 3-6th grade girls. Over the past several months we have been studying serivce. This was a great way that the girls to create relationships, and have a great time. It was so cute, the little girls came in princess otfits, Lenae and Emily B did their hair, we ate junk food, had a princess ice cream cake (yummy!),played limbo, wathcerd "Oone Night with the King", and had pink milk with our cereal in the morning. Most importantly I talked about Esther, and the qualities she represented. We can all learn lots from her life. I reminded the girls that they are all princesses of the king of kings, precious in his sight!
* I turn 18 on Monday! Woo hoo! I filled out my voter registation card yesterday, yes I feel very old. For my birthday party with friends, we titled it "the last little kid part ever" so, eveything was disney princess ish, we played pretty pretty princess, watched Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, and ate mac-n-cheese. I was lots of fun. I am so thankful for the people the Lord has put in my life. They are always there for me to laugh and cry with.
Above are some pictures from my life: hope you enjoyed the update :)
i <3 u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, ur my favorite prson 4- eva don't worry seinoritis will go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i <3 snow days
Hi Becky! I read that about you in Brio and I was looking to see if you had a blog...looks like you do! I hope that you had a great 18th birthday!!
O' and BTW, my favorite part about you being the '08 Brio girl is that you live in Ohio cause I do too:)
glad you updated, looks like you had a good birthday party :)
um... i hope it's ok for adults to eat mac n cheese because that is one of my favorites and I'm probably officially an adult now :)
happy birthday, can't believe you're 18.... seems like yesterday you were the little flowergirl I barely knew. So glad you're in our lives. love ya, see you in about an hour!
Happy belated bday! How is life? I miss talking to you....do you happen to have a facebook??
Hey Becky i think you are soooo cool!!!
hey becky,
you should really think about blogging again! I miss hearing from you
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