Sunday, August 26, 2007

"i want my life to be a reflection of the beauty of my Lord, 'cause you mean more to me than any earthly thing" These words were sung by my church this morning and really hit me. The phrase above is my mission statement for this school year. I want my last year at Highland to be one that people remember me for the legacy I left. Not a legacy of things I did on my own, but a legacy of standing up for my beliefs and shining for Christ, no matter the situation. My heart's desire is to be a beacon for him, please pray that God will give me the strength to shine bright, even when the world wants to snuff me out.


Anonymous said...

I love you sweetie and I'm praying for you.

no simple highway said...

becky!!! how did brio go?!?! i missed you when i came you must update me! hahaha
- jane