Quick updates:
~ The care pastor at my church passed away suddenly this weekend. He was sooo loved by so many people. He was a real inspiration to me, he was a living witness. Evidently, there was a crowd of people that gathered around his house when new got out that he passed away,half of whom were not from my church. His death has really inspired my youth group to take action and care for others like he did. Pastor Billy challenged us on Sunday night to pick up where Mr. Imig left off. Starting next week, sr high/ jr high boys and girls are going to split up to pray for each other. We are going to spend some time just seeing how we can encourage each other in the Lord. I am really excited for this, being able to be prayer partners with the other sr. high girls will just be encouraging. Also, PBilly announced something I have been waiting for in the past 5 years I have been in youth group: this summer we are doing ministry in Medina!! I really think that you don't have to go to Europe, Mexico, or even California to make an impact for Christ. I have been waiting so long for one of my youth pastors to do city work with us.....and it is finally here!! I can't wait to form relationships with kids from Medina, and share with them the love of Christ. :)
~ Also, this Sunday P.Billy announced that we are going to BNYC!!!!!! (Momentum it's called now, but I can't stop calling it BNYC).
I'm really excited for two reasons:
1) Praising and serving my Lord Jesus Christ. My youth group is going everyday to an area effected by Katrina, and showing them the love of Christ. This trip will be a great opportunity for my youth group to grow closer to Christ, and each other. BNYC is also a week of awesome worship.....oh man, i totally stoked.
2) I get to see OB friends!!!!Oh man I will get to see my leaders, people from MD,PA, AND CA!!! I can't wait to see them all again!!
~Spring Break is next week!! I am going to Niagara Falls with the fam for 2 days...it will be gorgeous I'm sure. My question is: How can someone see something as cool as the falls and doubt that God created it?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Well, this is the first time this semester that I don't have any homework.I believe a miracle has occured. I was just looking through some pictures the the other day, and these made me smile. The bottom pic is of me and the uveges girls and jackie, midle is of grace joe and some cousins, and top if of me and this cute little girl who I met on OB. She and I were best buds for 3 days when I was at her church.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
The trip to Virginia: An overview.
So, this past weekend was a ball. On Friday, Laura, my momma, and I headed down to Sarah's house in Columbus. We got there around dinner time, and o was I excited to see Sarah. She is just one of those people who makes you laught out loud. About a an hour later, Amy showed up and it was great just catching up with those two. For those church fol reading this, these are the two girls who did special music with me in December. I love these girls, they are such an encouragement to me.
Sat morning we left at around 11 am and loaded up in the "pimp mobile" (my van)and got to VA at around five. Man, was Kyle excited that we came. We got to hang out with him and his family fo awhile, and then bought him a card and a big boquet of roses, broke out the K-Y-L-E shirts, and headed to "Oklahoma" (muscial). Kyle did a super job, he was deifinitely the best one in the play. As he was getting cheanged, the girsl and talked to the gal who was the lead role. She said that Kyle wzs sooo excited that we were coming. He had told the whole cast that we were coming, and was very happy that we were here. After that, we went bowling with Kyle and his younger brother Weston. Weston, 14, seemed to enjoy very much taht 4 girls stayed at his house for the weekend. After bowling, we came back home and sang some songs. Kyle pulled out his guitar and sang old OB songs.....ahhh memories.
Sunday was bittersweet. Kyle's church was so cute, about 75 people. It is always really neat seeing where OB kids go to church, it's like you can almost picture them there. My favortie part of the weekend was offetory. Sarah, Amy , Laura sang , Kyle played guitar, and I signed "Amazed". This was the song we always closed our prgorams with on OB. Man, did that take me back to this summer. It made me yet again so thankful for the fellowship we have in Christ. It's amazing how God brings 32 kids from all across the country together in such a way. Hree's some of the lyrics to the song, you can see why it is so great!
Lord, I'm amazed by you
Lord, I'm amazed by you
How you love me
How wide
How deep (in my pic, this is the sign i am signing:)
How great
Is your love for me
Man,singing (signing for me) that song was the perfect way to end such a perfect weekend. :)
So, this past weekend was a ball. On Friday, Laura, my momma, and I headed down to Sarah's house in Columbus. We got there around dinner time, and o was I excited to see Sarah. She is just one of those people who makes you laught out loud. About a an hour later, Amy showed up and it was great just catching up with those two. For those church fol reading this, these are the two girls who did special music with me in December. I love these girls, they are such an encouragement to me.
Sat morning we left at around 11 am and loaded up in the "pimp mobile" (my van)and got to VA at around five. Man, was Kyle excited that we came. We got to hang out with him and his family fo awhile, and then bought him a card and a big boquet of roses, broke out the K-Y-L-E shirts, and headed to "Oklahoma" (muscial). Kyle did a super job, he was deifinitely the best one in the play. As he was getting cheanged, the girsl and talked to the gal who was the lead role. She said that Kyle wzs sooo excited that we were coming. He had told the whole cast that we were coming, and was very happy that we were here. After that, we went bowling with Kyle and his younger brother Weston. Weston, 14, seemed to enjoy very much taht 4 girls stayed at his house for the weekend. After bowling, we came back home and sang some songs. Kyle pulled out his guitar and sang old OB songs.....ahhh memories.
Sunday was bittersweet. Kyle's church was so cute, about 75 people. It is always really neat seeing where OB kids go to church, it's like you can almost picture them there. My favortie part of the weekend was offetory. Sarah, Amy , Laura sang , Kyle played guitar, and I signed "Amazed". This was the song we always closed our prgorams with on OB. Man, did that take me back to this summer. It made me yet again so thankful for the fellowship we have in Christ. It's amazing how God brings 32 kids from all across the country together in such a way. Hree's some of the lyrics to the song, you can see why it is so great!
Lord, I'm amazed by you
Lord, I'm amazed by you
How you love me
How wide
How deep (in my pic, this is the sign i am signing:)
How great
Is your love for me
Man,singing (signing for me) that song was the perfect way to end such a perfect weekend. :)
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